All jokes 
- What did the fisherman say to the card magician?
- What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?
- What's the difference between bird flu and swine flu?
- Did you hear about the fire at the circus?
- What did computer call his little son?
- What dessert do prisoners eat?
- What is the Karate experts favorite beverage?
- What do you call cheese that's not yours?
- Why was the musician arrested?
- What is a computer's favorite TV show from the 1990s?
- What is a cat having on a humid afternoon?
- What do you give Scooby-Doo when he has a fever?
- What did Scooby-Doo have to go to the hospital?
- What do demon chickens lay?
- Did you hear about the tree's new car?
- How did the master artist paint the picture?
- How do you make a hot dog stand?
- What is a pirate's favorite periodic element?
- Why did the kid bury their flashlight?
- Where do fleas surf?
- What did the policeman say to his belly button?
- What animal can jump higher than a building?
- Why doesn't the skeleton go to parties?
- What's green and German?
- What's the hardest math class for a cow?
- How does a shirt feel when its ironed?
- How do you keep someone in suspense?
- What do grocery store employees hope to get each year?
- What would you call the FLINTSTONES if they were black?
- What is a fat person's nightmare?
- What does a Jackal (Or Whoopi Goldberg) eat?
- Why was the politician impeached for being a Pizza-lover?
- Who is worse than Adoph Hitler?
- What is the funniest joke in the world?
- What's sadder than a gay guy with lockjaw?
- Dear Lord, make me a bird so I can?
- You see Mr. T walking down your street what do you do?
- How many women does Lou Bega need to be happy *according to his hit song MAMBO NUMBER FIVE
- Why did Britney Spears refuse to hug her fan?
- What did the nutritionist say when his patient asked him if he should eat carbs?
- What did John Mayer say when his girlfriend gained too much weight?
- What did the nurse say when the transfusion went horribly wrong?
- What makes the SPY KIDS different from regular, old kids?
- Why is SUPER SMASH BROS. MELEE the best game ever?
- Why did the kitten set off an allergic reaction?
- What happens when you stop making jokes on a first date?
- Did you hear about the fire at the Circus?
- What did the unemployed college grad do when he realized he had wasted his life?
- How do you know it's time to go to sleep?
- What's the funniest thing to order at STEAK AND SHAKE?
- Why did the football player let the ball slip through his fingers?
- Why did Justin Timberlake buy MYSPACE?
- Why did the basketball player change his name?
- When did the dog give up being a comedian?
- What did the kid with no arms and no legs get for Christmas?
- Why did the little girl fall off the swing?
- Who is worse than Adolph Hitler?
- What do bunnies and plums have in common?
- What is a boxer's favorite drink?
- A woman walked into work one day and climbed a tree.
- What did the whale say to the oyster that ate all of the plankton?
- How does Lady Gaga like her steak?
- What's the difference between an owl and a chicken?
- Why did the chicken cross the road?
- How many bald fat guys does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- Why did Paris Hilton have sex with a chicken?
- What did Jake Gyllenhaal say to his sister on her wedding day?
- What's an owl's favorite restaurant?
- What's black and white and red all over?
- What do you call a poet that died?
- What does an alcoholic use to keep his ears warm?
- What's the difference between Sarah Palin and a brick?
- What is a dubstep fan's favorite sport?
- How many New Yorkers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- What do you call an employee that works as hard as a manager?
- Why did Sarah Palin whisper at the pharmacy?
- What's the difference between Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston?
- How can you tell an email is from Sarah Palin?
- What's the difference between mice and men?
- When can a newly pregnant mother first expect the baby to move?
- What do you call a man that knows everything?
- How can you tell a blonde has used your computer?
- What does customer service have to do with Richard Gere sticking a hamster up his butt?
- How can you tell that a man isn't having sex?
- How is a musician like a sperm?
- Which bird was in Under Siege?
- What is a jewish baker's favorite martial art?
- Why is oil so offensive?
- How do poor carnival folk afford to live?
- What's a cool cat?
- If there's a stairway to heaven, how to you go down?
- Why did a family adopt a grown man?
- What's a bird's favorite part of a computer?
- Why does cat like computer?
- Why can't you trust a computer?
- What do British sea monsters eat?
- Which software looks but never buys?
- Is a hammer useful in math?
- What is a ghost's favorite place to swim?
- Why did the heiress send her niece when she found her gift closet empty?
- Zeroth Rule of Fight Club is....
- Why did the student keep calling everyone by his friend's name accidentally?
- What's better than protein?
- What does the alphabet use to cut wood?
- What game do kids play during recess these days?
- What's a mathemetician's favorite day of the week?
- Why does Sarah Palin never worry about getting into a car accident?
- Why did the 18th century prisoner not believe the guard?
- Why did the two old friends stay for so long at the steakhouse?
- Why does Sarah Palin always have her press conferences just before lunch?
- When Sarah Palin got a paper cut, why did she hold her watch up to it?
- What was the dog food company's incredibly inappropriate slogan?
- What's the best way to get rid of gnats?
- How many characters from the hit show Glee does it take to screw in a light bulb?
- What's a pirate's favorite Greek American syndicated collumnist and editor?
- What kind of balloon animal did the sex clown make with an inflated condom?
- How did the fisherman from the North American Great Lakes identify the fish without even looking at it?
- What do you get when you cross a computer with an icy road?
- Why is a computer so bad at tennis?
- What's the deal with airplane food?
- What gets the job of an interrogation done better than the old "Good Cop / Bad Cop" routine?
- Why did the eleph marry the ant?
- Why did the weight-lifter visit the spinal injury ward?
- Why is Cinderella so bad at basketball?
- How does the man in the moon eat his food?
- Why was the periodic table so lonely?
- Why were the noble gases afraid of the periodic table?
- Why is the periodic table a bad babysitter?
- What is methane's favorite thing to cook in?
- There are 10 flies on the table. You kill 2. How many are left?
- What's a nazi's least favorite month?
- What is a gamefish's favorite sport?
- What did linux say to windows?
- What's funnier then a dead baby?
- Your head is so big...
- What's an Alien's favorite way to drink tea?
- Why was Bill Clinton elected President?
- What did the mexican name his two vacuum cleaner attachments?
- What type of pitch did the hamburger use to strike out the hot dog?
- What is the most that a pirate is willing to pay for corn?
- Why did everyone like the mushroom so much?
- What was the stick's favorite high school math class?
- Why is Monica Lewinsky excited about 2012?
- Why did the balloon decide not to throw a party?
- How many fraternity guys does it take to screw in a light bulb?
- What is the only flight carrier that the she-male said she would fly with?
- What is worse than not sending your kids to college?
- What do you call a hick who likes jokels?
- Why didn't I buy a can of Ravioli's from the gas station?
- Why doesn't computer need Febreeze?
- How did keyboard get out of prison?
- What does a 2x4 do for fun?
- What is a ghost's favorite 1972 song by R&B/soul group The Main Ingredient?
- What kind of jacket should you wear to a forrest fire?
- What is a zombie's favorite song by the Cranberries?
- Why didn't the talented musician make it big?
- What computer key is most used after Christmas?
- What is an abusive husband's favorite computer key?
- What is keyboard's favorite soda?
- What is a General's favorite computer key?
- What is Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz's favorite computer key?
- What is race car driver's favorite computer key?
- What is astronaut's favorite computer key?
- What computer key does returning astronaut always press?
- What is Olympic sprinter's favorite computer key?
- Would you rather be Superman or Optimus Prime?
- What is monster's favorite song?
- What is Michael J Fox's favorite fast food restaurant?
- What is Stevie Wonder's favorite 90's grunge band?
- Who is the rabbit's favorite comedian?
- What is the zombie's favorite reality show?
- How does yarn reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity?
- What did Princess Di do?
- What does the alphabet bring to the basketball game?
- What does the alphabet ask all the time?
- What does the alphabet say as a greeting?
- What is a heroin addict's favorite computer key?
- What is a race car driver's other favorite computer key?
- What is a wizard's favorite computer key to use when he's trying to keep somebody from reading his roll of parchment???
- What is a pornographer's favorite computer key?
- Which computer keys does a gambler use most often during March Madness?
- What is Paula Dean's liquor of choice?
- What does the alphabet wear around the house?
- Why is 6 afraid of 7?
- bra bra bra bra bra, eh, bra?
- What does a duck get after he eats?
- What did the duck order with his soup?
- What did the baby chicken complain about after her big date?
- Why was the teenage horse so mad?
- What is cancer's favorite computer key?
- What did the broken clock say to his son?
- Why would Lebron James make a terrible Pornstar?
- What President has the best gay porn name?
- Why did the Keebler Elves go to jail?
- Why did Celine Dion get out of jail?
- What did the Canadian Prime Minister give the cowboy?
- What is a cancer patient's favorite computer key?
- What is an artist's favorite band?
- What is a photographer's favorite food?
- What did the old people give the skateboarders?
- What computer key is Helen Hunt's least favorite?
- Why didn't the basketball player get AIDS?
- Does Dr. J drink coffee?
- What is the only thing that Helen Hunt likes to do?
- What did the Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor?
- What happens when you put a bunch of pot smokers into a chatroom?
- Who is Marlee Matlin's favorite hip hop artist?
- Who is Marlee Matlin's favorite heavy metal band?
- What type of award is given out to the "Dentist of the Year"?
- What was the dentist's favorite type of sauce?
- What is the ugly guitarist's favorite computer key?
- What is a rabbit's favorite keyboard key?
- What is a proctologist's favorite computer key?
- What is Donald Trump's favorite animal to hunt?
- What was the ice cube's favorite band?
- Why did the punk rocker cross the road?
- Why can't you get Helen Hunt to talk to you?
- Why are blondes so easy?
- What are Mario and Luigi's overalls made out of?
- What's Pirates of the Caribbean rated?
- What do toilet paper and the original Star Trek have in common?
- What do you call 4 Mexicans in quicksand?
- Why is Helen Keller's couch wet?
- How do you fuck with Helen Keller?
- Why is it great to date homeless chicks?
- Why is it easier to unload a truckload of dead babies than a truckload of bricks?
- What do you call 2 Mexicans playing basketball?
- Why didn't JFK Jr take a shower before his flight?
- What do you call a black man flying a plane?
- What did the hippy say when the acid wore off?
- How do you hide money from a hippy?
- Why does E.T. like Reese's pieces?
- What's the longest word in the dictionary?
- Where did the astronaut meet his computer keyboard wife?
- How did the critics react to Walt Disney's penis?
- What new wave band was in Under Siege?
- What did the Asian prostitute say to the Cardinals player?
- What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
- A grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says "Hey, we got a drink named after you."
- A little boy on Halloween was dressed as a pirate. The first house he went to, the lady opened the door and said "Awww, how cute. But where are your buccaneers?"
- What do you call a man with no arms or legs on your doorstep?
- What do you call a man with no arms or legs on your wall?
- What do you call a man with no arms or legs in the ocean?
- What do you call a man with no arms or legs in a pile of leaves?
- What do women and dog turds have in common?
- What did 50 Cent say to his Grandma while knitting?
- Why don't women wear watches?
- What's the difference between fedoras and tampons??
- How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
- Why did Lady Gaga have two black eyes?
- How is man like spider?
- Why wasn't the rapper allowed in the restaurant?
- Did you hear the one about the cow jumping over the barb wire fence?
- What is a computer's favorite movie?
- How do you wake up Lady Gaga?
- What do you take to Uranus?
- What is a planet's favorite electronica band?
- What's a nazi's least favorite planet?
- What happened to the Alien who stole candy?
- Why doesn't the Dog Star laugh at any jokes?
- What music do astronauts listen to in space?
- Good Cop: Lets you go with a warning for speeding.
- Good Cop: Has seventy five percent conviction rate when he builds a criminal case.
- Good Cop: Gives the streaker a ticket for indecent exposure.
- Good Cop: Visits the widow of his old partner.
- Good Cop: Wants to rise to the top of the force.
- Good Cop: Listens to both sides of the story before he sends anyone to the big house..
- Good Cop: Trains to be the toughest cop in the county and catch all the perps.
- Which planet is the best rock vocalist?
- Why did Uranus really like going to karaoke with his neighbor?
- What is the Internet's favorite animal?
- What is the Internet's favorite arachnid?
- What is Alanis Morissette's favorite state?
- What is Lindsay Lohan's favorite state?
- What did the complimentary mormon call herself?
- Your mom is so old she's at the museum.
- I can't believe Utah is the name of a state.
- What did God say to Joseph Smith?
- What did the rageaholic say in Salt Lake City?
- What is a pedophile's favorite university?
- What do Jesus and Nicole Ritchie have in common?
- Why did Casey Anthony kill Caylee?
- What do you call a Nazi in a ridiculous pointy hat?
- What's worse than a lobster on your piano?
- Why was Dan Uggla able to kill James Bond?
- What’s the difference between love, true love and showing off?
- What do you call a ball hit to the left of Derek Jeter?
- Who performs at a Whale Symphony?
- Who do you go to when you need to buy a house in Hollywood?
- What was the iron's favorite song?
- How did Bush justify the invasion of Iraq?
- Why was the anal lawyer from the '90s frustrated while trying to communicate with a client?
- How can you visit the jungle without leaving your computer?
- How do you make Helen Keller angry?
- Why did Karl Marx say that the USSR was lazy?
- What's the Count of Monte Cristo's favorite computer key?
- What's Bugs Bunny's favorite computer key?
- What's a plumber's favorite computer key?
- What's the old guy's favorite keyboard shortcut?
- Why did Ke$ha sleep with 10 dudes?
- What's the dubstep fan's favorite organization?
- What do you call a man with a shovel?
- What do you call a man without a shovel?
- What's the drug addict's favorite computer key?
- Why'd the Spanish keyboard wait up all night for her kids to in?
- What do you call an English Dinosaur?
- What was the night elf's first impression of Orgrimmar?
- Where did the Draenei go after eating Taco Bell?
- What does a night elf priestess turn into for a few days every month?
- What World of Warcraft race uses the Internet the most?
- Why are merchants in World of Warcraft so greedy?
- What creature solves crimes in World of Warcraft?
- In World of Warcraft, why is The Barrens so dirty?
- What did the Boomkin do when he lost all his artwork?
- What do you call a Tauren who's "shaking hands with his best friend"?
- How does a Warlock best learn?
- In World of Warcraft, why are Taurens so bad at poker?
- In World of Warcraft, what part-time job do paladins have when they're in high school?
- Why can't WoW characters go out in the rain?
- What do rogues and noobs have in common?
- How many Paladins does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- How'd the hipster burn his mouth?
- My girlfriend has started using one of those sensitive toothpastes.
- What do you call a Wookie who follows Judaism?
- What happens when a red and white X-Wing crashes into green water?
- Where can you find Star Wars for half off?
- What is the name of the ocean next to China?
- What was Hitler's reaction when Jesse Owens won 4 gold medal?
- Why are Tauren vacuums the best in Azeroth?
- A revisionist historian walks into a bar...
- What is the difference between a bull and a cow?
- What's the difference between sex and death?
- What is brown and sounds like a bell?
- What's brown and rhymes with snoop?
- What's brown and sticky?
- What is a cat's favorite key on the VCR?
- What is R. Kelly's favorite computer key?
- What was Amy Winehouse's biggest hit?
- What is the amputee's favorite state?
- What's the saddest Journey song?
- What insect flies at the lowest altitude?
- What happened to the thundercloud after it got arrested?
- Where do criminal rocks face justice?
- Which part of the microscope gets wet fastest?
- How does it make you feel to turn over a big flat rock?
- Why was the early bird arrested for taking the worm?
- What was the cool new sign outside of Borders?
- What's the wackiest protist???
- What's the difference between a 5 yr old and a chair?
- What do you call a cow you can sit on?
- What is the proctologist's favorite state?
- What is the actor's favorite candy?
- What is a nazi's least favorite beverage?
- What is an amoeba's favorite gadget?
- What do actors take for seasickness?
- What was the adulterer's favorite snack?
- What is the devil's favorite state?
- What was the insect's favorite Midwestern city?
- What was the owl's favorite 90's band?
- What is a hostage's favorite computer key?
- What did Frank Oz do when Jim Henson died?
- What was the puppet's girlfriend's name?
- Why was the puppet grumpy?
- What is a nyctophobic's favorite computer key?
- What was the scientist's favorite Muppet?
- What is an owl's favorite 2000s band?
- What is owl's favorite band from the 1960s?
- What is massage therapist's favorite band?
- What's owl's favorite Twitter client?
- What did Syl say when he got a comb for his birthday?
- What's the first rule of Fight Club?
- What's the difference between a pile of dead babies and a cadillac?
- How is eucharist like a dick?
- What do you call a sleeping bull?
- What's the difference between a Hummer and a hard-on?
- What's the difference between Jesus and hookers?
- What's the difference between your wife and fast food?
- What's the difference between the US men's soccer team and a duck?
- How many US women's soccer players does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- What do David Beckham and Highway 1 have in common?
- What did the father's day greeting say to the mother's day greeting?
- What did the dehydrated Nigerian say to to his father?
- What do you get when you combine a British schoolboy and a polar bear?
- What is a hipster's favorite movie?
- Where do computers go when they're sad?
- Why did the computer lose all its memory?
- What does a blonde and a turtle have in common?
- If two wrongs don't make a write then what do two rights make?
- What do you get when you kick a baby down the stairs?
- What do you tell a woman who has two black eyes?
- Why did Helen Keller’s dog commit suicide?
- How do you stop a baby from crying?
- How do you tell if a cyclops has a lazy eye?
- How many cops does it take to screw in a light bulb?
- What do maggots and Alabama fans have in common?
- What's the difference between a porcupine and Neyland Stadium (Univ of Tennessee)?
- How do you know Bobby Cox's wife is from the South?
- Why did the computer get glasses?
- Why couldn't LeBron James buy a soda?
- What's an autistic child's favorite movie?
- What do Woody Allen and Kodak have in common?
- How do dinosaurs communication?
- What time does Sean Connery go to Wimbledon?
- What's the best thing about fucking thirty three year olds?
- Why were "Method Man Brand Codoms" unsucessful?
- What do you do with sailboats in Oregon?
- What do you call getting fired in hell?
- What is the worst thing you can hear while blowing Willie Nelson?
- What do you call an underwater pig?
- If I went on Conan O'Brien and advocated same sex marriages what would happen to me?
- Napoleon: What is this about non-intervention?
- The older I get, the faster I was.
- If I had to choose, I would rather have birds than airplanes.
- a kind of slow poison.
- Alienation is a form of living death. It is the acid of despair that dissolves society.
- It is not wise to form an alliance with a prince that has more reputation than power.
- He that strives to touch the stars, Oft stumbles at a straw.
- "What is seeking to emerge from this challenge right now? Can you feel it or are you stuck in the problem?"
- Wow, just had an explosion of intense energy here -- first my ex re the kids + school, then Alex re the goats. Breathing ..
- What do you get if you cross a Jew?
- What do you call someone who steps on a Cherio?
- What's a monkey's favorite movie?
- What do a space shuttle and a fetus have in common?
- What is the hardest key to get off of your keychain?
- Why did the monkey's friends stop inviting him over for dinner?
- Where does a Jew buy his cologne?
- Which perfume would Jesus die for?
- What's the difference between cancer and the government?
- What did Ernie say when his friend asked if he wanted some Ice Cream?
- Where do you go online to get a restored light fixture from WWII?
- Why were all the guest's at the shitty comedian's party so sober?
- How can you tell a giant fire breathing mythical beast is tired?
- Why were all the guests at the shitty comedian's party so drunk?
- What's a gay boxer's favorite drink?
- Who is a mathematician's favorite rapper?
- What do you get when you cross an intersection and a runway?
- How did Muhammed Ali react to Joe Frazier's untimely death?
- What's the difference between Jesus and Jon Benet Ramsey?
- What do abortions and video games have in common?
- Who stinks even more than Ricky Martin?
- What Latina pop-star ran out of candy?
- What is Mario's favorite seat?
- What does Princess Peach poop?
- What do Nintendo characters smoke weed with?
- Why are the Angry Birds so angry?
- What video game do you play in the bathroom?
- What is an astronaut's favorite candy?
- Why did Sally Ride break up with her boyfriend?
- Why did computer die?
- What was the name of the computer’s art teacher in elementary school?
- How does a computer get to another planet while eating a bowl of cereal?
- Why did a series of revolving blades supplying air wait all night outside the Apple store?
- Which computer does McDonalds use to keep track of all those burgers?
- What is a computer’s favorite genre of music?
- What did the evil computer use to stop James Bond?
- Why did the processor go to the gym?
- What is the hipster programmer's favorite thing to do in the bathroom?
- What is Usain Bolt's favorite sorting algorithm?
- What is Bubble Man from Mega Man 2's favorite sorting algorithm?
- If you spend all your time playing the Xbox, what is the highest achievement you can accomplish?
- What is Sonic the Hedgehog's favorite fast food restaurant?
- What does a gamer call his crib?
- How did the gamer embarrass himself using Craigslist?
- Why did the Occupy movement call on kids to march into a night club?
- How is Super Mario racist against Italian-Americans?
- What do you call Mexicans who don't do anything?
- Why do flies never come back from near death experiences?
- What do you get when you cross a motorcycle with an SUV?
- When did the procrastinating ghost say he would get all his work done?
- Why did the New York City Health Department shut down the Entomologist’s office?
- Why was Kenneth Parcell from 30 Rock fired from the bookstore?
- Why did the pirate go to a bookstore after he lost his left hand at sea?
- What did Gloria Cain give Herman Cain for Christmas 2011?
- What does Santa not like talking about with Mrs. Claus?
- What's the blood sucking parasite that ruins everything?
- Of all the 2011 GOP Presidential hopefuls, who has the most money?
- Why did Rick Perry never invite any of the other GOP Presidential hopefuls on a hunting trip?
- Which Obama staffer is right at home in a circus?
- What's the difference between fat chicks and bricks?
- What does computer do at night?
- What's the difference between a bad golfer and a bad skydiver?
- What is vampire favorite thing to drink?
- Why does the hundred dollar bill have so much time on its hands?
- What is money’s drug of choice?
- How much does money cost?
- How many push ups does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- What is pervert's favorite part of laptop?
- What does pervert do with computer file?
- What is pedophile's favorite computer hackers?
- What did 50 Cent say to the woman with yarn?
- Why did the little kid drop his ice cream?
- What was the North Korean dictator’s wrestling alter ego’s stage name?
- How many North Koreans does it take to screw in a light bulb?
- What day is the best day to see the movie Horrible Bosses?
- What is fish's least favorite thing to do on a computer?
- there was a man he goes to a bar and there is a jar of money so the man asked the bar tender what it was for he says you do 3 dares and i will give you the money first drink 3 bottles of hot sauce without crying or making any facial expressions then there
- what happends when a blonde hears u got mail on her laptop
- What did one snowman say to the other?
- Why does whale do cocaine?
- what did the bellybutton do to the other?
- What did the poop say to the other in a wrestling match?
- Whats a prisoners favorite key?
- what did the penis say to the other?
- poopoopoopoopoo
- How does a Jew make his tea?
- What a fish smoke?
- How do you know if there is a vegan in the room?
- What was Uncle Joey's favorite meal on Full House?
- What's the difference between Coke and myself?
- Who's the hot guy who invented the world wide web?
- Why do obese women love God so much?
- What do you call a gypsy punk rock band from the lower east side of Manhattan on the Internet?
- What is the worst way to say hello on the internet?
- Why did the God of Poodles sue the search engine giant?
- What looks like an elephant's head and smells like elephant shit?
- What's the hardest part of a vegetable to eat?
- What does Apollo 13 have in common with the 2012 Grammy's?
- why did the concentration camp scientist stir ashes into water?
- What do sentient machines get when they die?
- What does baseball player get at bar?
- Why is David Wright's baseball cap like a clitoris?
- What do the Rockies and possums have in common?
- What's the difference between Mets fans and babies?
- What is a Braves fan's favorite whine?
- What part of a tree plays basketball?
- What did Air Bud name is kid?
- What is Charles Barkley's favorite fruit preserve?
- What is a cat's favorite thing to do?
- Whats the difference between a Jew and a Boy Scout?
- What do Joseph Kony and the London marathon have in common?
- Why did Barbie dump Ken?
- What does Commander Riker eat for breakfast?
- What dog smells the worst?
- What is dog's favorite letter and number?
- What sandwich is out of date?
- What state has the most butts?
- Why was Marc Antony smitten with Cleopatra?
- Why did the chicken cross the road, this week only during the Kia sales event of the Spring?
- What happens when you leave yogurt in the hip startup's refrigerator for too long?
- What happens when you leave Greek yoghurt in the refrigerator too long?
- What does a Romulan frog use for camouflage?
- What kind of candy is internet funny?
- Who was the best Beatle?
- What separated the men from the boys in Ancient Greece?
- What is the internet's favorite time?
- What do you get when you play Game Boy too long on the toilet?
- What does Tony the Tiger say about wine?
- What is long and hard but can't get up?
- Why can't Helen Keller drive?
- Why are vegetarians' houses so dark?
- Who is the most powerful amphibian in England?
- What do you call a wine shop at the Five Points station?
- Why is the photograph on trial?
- What do the Hunger Games and my dick have in common?
- What do you call all the Congress folks who try to introduce anti-internet legislation?
- Why does the lion think the circus a bureaucracy?
- Why do eskimos drink so much?
- Have you ever had duck soup?
- Why does the monkey never call before he visits?
- Who serves the monkeys at the renaissance festival?
- What did the rocker monkey have all over his arms?
- What happened when Monkey visited the other monkeys?
- Why does everybody always take advantage of lollipops?
- What do you get when you mix Skittles and M&Ms?
- What did the shoe fanatic buy at the candy store?
- Which candy never gets fully digested?
- Why did M. Dash stay away from the hash?
- Why are there always fences around graveyards?
- What's the boxer's favorite kind of candy?
- What's the wino's favorite kind of candy?
- How is Wrigley's gum like Andy Dick?
- What's the redneck clown's favorite candy?
- What candy are you bound to find at a software company?
- What's Tarzan's favorite flavor of Jolly Rancher?
- What's black and white and blue all over?
- What web app was the avian sweet tooth crazy about?
- How do British people transport DVDs of the hit television show House?
- What's an investor's favorite computer key?
- Who's the worst viking prostitute?
- Why didn't the Nickelback fan go to the Nickelback show?
- What planet loves to sing Bohemian Rhapsody?
- What planet is missing its arms?
- What's the unhappiest planet?
- What's the most animated planet?
- What's Cliff Claven's favorite movie?
- What is Justice Sandra Day O'connor's favorite movie?
- Why did the dentist skip the awards show?
- What happened when the couple bought a new water bed?
- What do you call the rapping triplet mind readers on the starship Enterprise?
- What's black and white but never scores?
- What's plump and spherical, gets kicked around, and seems oblivious to goals?
- What's black and white and red all over?
- What did the soccer ball say to the soccer field?
- What do Michael Jackson's songs have in common with his victims?
- Why did the soap addict stop using?
- Why couldnt the skelaton add 1+1?
- What kind of bird always sticks together?
- What's the feminist's favorite movie?
- What's like a fax machine?
- How can you score a 301 in bowling?
- Why r cats scared of trees
- Why was the math book sad
- What kind of tables do math teachers use
- What do Braves players give their kids to play with during games?
- What do you say when the Braves left-fielder drops a fly ball?
- Why does the Braves leadoff man run so fast?
- Why is it called Nick's Food To Go?
- Why did the wine enthusiast go to see the priest?
- What did Tarzan say when he saw the elephants coming?
- Why did Iron Man cry?
- Why did Loki have a bad day?
- Who is Thor's favorite rapper?
- What was the drummer's favorite kind of birth control?
- What was the camera man's favorite kind of birth control?
- What does Dolly Parton call her non-fat latte?
- What was Michael Jackson's favorite kind of birth control?
- Who tells the worst knock knock jokes?
- What was the cats favorite kind of birth control?
- What is a fanboy's favorite kind of birth control?
- What was June Carter's favorite kind of birth control?
- What did the recliner say to the sofa bed when they were in an argument?
- What do you call well dressed religious nutjobs who hate women and gay people?
- Why did the wary boyfriend finally agree to see the period film?
- Why was the engineer sad to leave?
- Why was the cowboy morose in the city?
- knock knock
- Why was the barista resigned to work at the coffee shop?
- what do you call a fish with whiskers
- What is a sofa bed's favorite birth control?
- What was Clarissa from Clarissa Explains It All's favorite form of birth control?
- I like my women like I like my coffee...
- What is Warren Buffett's favorite Pink Floyd song?
- Nickelback walked into a bar...
- Shortest joke in history...
- What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college?
- What is a doctor's favorite computer file extension?
- Why didn't the computer's car start?
- What is a star's favorite snack?
- What is a star's favorite drink?
- How did the founder of CNN feel about his divorce?
- Why was Michael the lead off hitter for the Braves?
- Where does Boy George go to party at night?
- What's a cow's favorite day?
- Why did the hipster dump his girlfriend?
- Why did the hipster dump his girlfriend?
- What did the hoe ask to the other hoe?
- What is a box's favorite sport?
- What is a rapper's favorite thing to do at Christmas time?
- What's Rodney King's favorite poker hand?
- What do Jerry Sandusky and SPAM have in common?
- Why doesn't God like country music?
- Why doesn't Arnold Schwarzenegger like Chilean Sea Bass?
- What did gay Paul Reveere say?
- What's worse than 9/11?
- What do you call 4 Mexicans in quicksand?
- What did the cat get when it scored a 300 in bowling?
- What is Bob Saget's favorite poker hand?
- How much does a Hipster weigh?
- Why was the baby pig in a bad mood?
- Why was the pig looking for something to do?
- What does a drunk walrus have in common with a woman at a tupperware party?
- Why was the corny dad happy that his joke greeting card got lots of groans?
- Why doesn't Amy Whinehouse like toast?
- why did richard have his hand under the table
- why do people go to the toilet?
- why doesn't Amy Whinehouse like cheese?
- why doesn't Amy Whinehouse like chicken nuggets?
- Why is the mushroom invited to all the parties?
- How many atheists does it take to screw in a light-bulb?
- What stand up comedian barks all the time?
- What does a pirate use for music?
- Which presidential candidate is a Ferengi?
- What was the difference between Neil Armstrong and Michael Jackson?
- What do you call a Norwegian that's the object of a sentence?
- What did the Pueblos try before Adobe?
- How did Eli celebrate his super bowl win?
- Why did Jersey Shore get cancelled?
- How do you know if someone has the iphone 5?
- Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?
- Why couldn't the skeptic catch a runaway convict?
- What did the bride say when her groom didn't show up for the wedding?
- Where is Macaulay Culkin right now?
- Have you heard the new jokes about Coca-Cola?
- What clothing does a house wear?
- What do you call a bad drummer?
- What is a computer's favorite food?
- What is a computer's favorite TV show?
- What is a mathematician's favorite TV show?
- What's purple and commutes?
- Where does one find the largest cologne in the world?
- What did the actor say when they broke their arm?
- What is the CEO's favorite thing to sit on?
- What do women and rocks have in common?
- Why was Keeping Up with the Cardassians cancelled?
- What do you call a prehistoric lemon?
- What do you call a prehistoric bruise?
- What do Alexander the Great, Henry the VIIIth, and Ivan the Terrible all have in common?
- What kind of link will entice a click and disappoint you afterwards?
- What's the loudest morning beverage?
- Why did the cowboy get a wiener dog?
- What do the signs say in the Aluetian Islands?
- What's the difference between a trampoline and a baby?
- What's the shittiest planet?
- Knock knock. Who's there? Planet.
- What did the Alabama fan say to his sister?
- What did the Tire say to the Nail?
- What does a condom have in common with a hotdog?
- What was the dolphin's favorite programming language?
- What was the oyster's favorite programming language
- What did the programmer say when he went to Starbucks?
- A byte walks into a bar. The bar tender asks, "What's wrong?". The byte says, "Parity error." The bartender says,
- Why are turds tapered at the end?
- What did the zero say to the eight?
- What was the programmer's reaction to a repo he didn't agree with?
- What did the fisherman say to the magician?
- Where do Floridians wash their clothes?
- Did you hear about the fire at the circus?
- What do you call an egg telling a joke?
- What is the favorite thing that a fire fighter likes to fight?
- Why does daniel love jokels
- What kind of socks do pirates like to wear?
- Why was the taco sad?
- What's an Irishman's favorite math?
- What's the difference between a practical joke and a temperature?
- What do you have if you hold one green ball in one hand and another green ball in the other hand?
- Mr. T has added more anti-oxidants to his diet ...
- What do you call an awesome communist?
- What happens when Mary Ann makes the wrong kind of cookies?
- How do you organize a space party?
- What is the porn star's favorite sorting algorithm?
- Who was the uncoolest kid at Dino High?
- What is worst sausage?
- What's the difference between a groundhog and a prairie dog?
- Why is the opossum bad in bed?
- Jesus walks into my house and leaves the door open...
- Why did the indian not think it was a good idea?
- Knock Knock. Who's there? 9-11. 9-11 who?
- What did the chimp say to the macaque?
- What's an Old World Monkey's favorite movie?
- Who manned the African monasteries during the Medieval period?
- Why did the monkey take a shit in the ocean?
- What brand of jetski runs on shit?
- Why was the prisoner always right?
- What do you call a man with no arms and no legs thrown out of an airplane while peeing?
- What does a hot dog salesman do when he's having a good time?
- What did the cowboy say to the extremely tall Mormon?
- What's worse than moving the Jazz from New Orleans to Utah?
- What did the creepy uncle say in his basement?
- What did the camel eat for breakfast?
- Why didn't the John pay the hooker?
- What do you get if a cow jumps over a barbed wire fence?
- What's brown and sticky?
- What did Obi Wan say to Luke Skywalker at dinner?
- What did Tony the Tiger say about non-frosted flakes?
- What do you call a deer without eyes?
- What's the difference between a duck?
- What did the psychiatrist say to the man wearing cellophane pants?
- What do you call cheese that's not yours?
- What do you call an egg telling a joke?
- What did the complimentary Mormon call herself?
- What do you eat in a court of law?
- Why do all the pimps stay in Florida?
- How did the pimp respond when his mom said "You horrible"?
- What's brown and rhymes with snoop?
- How much does a paradigm shift cost?
- What did Cher do in highschool?
- Did you hear about that time Auntie Flo went to the football game?
- How much does an alpaca smoke on average?
- What's a cheerleader's favorite type of dog?
- What was the fart's favorite Cranberries song?
- Where are all farts "silent but deadly"
- Go big or go home?
- What is a meteor's favorite Full House character?
- What did Napoleon's estranged wife say to him?
- What did the moss say to the rock?
- What is owl's favorite song?
- How long does a vampire maid work for?
- What is the guy who made PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla Motor's favorite movie?
- What was the short French dictator's name after the suicide bombing?
- What did the alien say to the Coke bottle?
- What did the stripper say to the Native American Cheiftan?
- Why don't you need toilet paper if you're in France?
- Jimmy, you were a big man, you had the girls, you were the best
- What's green and tells a lot of lies?
- What is earthquake's favorite keyboard key?
- What is bisexual's favorite keyboard key?
- What is dominatrix's favorite keyboard key?
- What did Yoko find on her bed?
- How did the I.T. guy fix the blue tooth mouse?
- Why did the dinosaur explode?
- What did the librarian do at five'o'clock?
- Where does the book eat dinner?
- How much does a bad joke weigh?
- Why did Boy George like the jungle strip club?
- What do you call a european janitor on his birthday?
- Why did the cheetah eat lots of iron?
- Where did the cheetah buy his new shoes?
- What's the difference between a fish and a guitar?
- How do you know when you're drunk?
- What did the alcoholic say when he got lost in the desert?
- Why did sofa girl take out Z boy to dinner?
- What comes before part B?
- What do you call Paris Hilton in a book store?
- Whose "parents just don't understand" his porn career?
- What do you call Bill Cosby with a gold tooth?
- What happened when Denise Huxtable lost her squirrel?
- What happened when Alf drank to much?
- Why did the lion become a tax collector?
- Where do vampires have to go when they get arrested?
- What is a goats favorite soap opera?
- What is Colin Powell's favorite Soap Opera?
- What was the patriotic goat's favorite movie?
- What is sheep's favorite country?
- What is Taco Bell's favorite 90s tv show?
- What has 2 legs and kills women?
- What happened when the 2x4 played to much World of Warcraft?
- what do you suck into your mouth and you want icecream
- What do you call a pitbull that is curled up asleep?
- What happened when Lassie put on her makeup and heels?
- What happened when Richard Gere was assimilated by the Internet?
- What did the baseball manager say to his employees?
- What did the internet monster do in the bathroom?
- What is a dog's favorite cocktail?
- What was the pedophile's favorite cocktail?
- What is the House of Winterfell's official cocktail?
- What does a mason drink at a fancy party?
- What do you call a punk who makes their own beer?
- Why did the man love his half pooped turd?
- What type of drink did the self-absorbed narcissistic guy order at Ru Sans?
- What did one bike wheel say to the other?
- What does a dinosaur do when it sleeps?
- What were the symptoms of the dinosaur's syphilis?
- What do you call a T-Rex that can bench press 2 tons?
- What do you call a T-rex with glasses?
- What do you call a T-rex in your bed?
- What do you call a fat dinosaur?
- What do you call a dinosaur that cusses a lot?
- What do you get if you mix a dinosaur and a unicorn?
- What kind of dinosaur ponders its own existence?
- What do you get when a dinosaur crashes their car?
- Never, ever...
- What is the best time to eat Mexican food?
- What was the time traveling outlaw found guilty of?
- What flavor would jokel brand chips be?
- Why didn't the woman like her waiter?
- Why did the dog HATE the mail?
- Why does the Chinaman always get a salad when he orders noodles at the restaurant?
- How much does a hipster weigh?
- What do you call ZZ Top without beards?
- Did you hear about the mime who killed a girl?
- What happens to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson when he's out of shape?
- What did the crow say when he looked in the toilet?
- What kind of music does Zack, the cow, really like?
- Why can't cows work in diners?
- Who is the shittiest kid doctor on TV?
- What's the shittiest video game?
- What do David Carradine and Margaret Thatcher have in common?
- Did you hear about the new Tampax movie?
- What's the best thing about pooping outside?
- What's a pirate's favorite plant holiday?
- Did you hear about the disease that makes your back invisible?
- sdf
- You remember the nerds in Flashdance?
- You know how I know Levi Strauss be smokin' weed?
- How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?
- If Chrissy has 500 friends on Facebook one week, and then adds 150 the next week, then what does she have?
- If Chrissy has 500 friends on Facebook one week, and then adds 150 the next week, then what does she have?
- If Chrissy has 500 friends on Facebook one week, and then adds 150 the next week, then what does she have?
- What did the girl say after getting the same birthday card 3 years in a row with a picture of a sweater on it?
- What do you eat after smoking weed and banging?
- What's a four letter word in Italian for goodbye?
- What is Sean Connery's favorite blog?
- Why did the man become a fisherman?
- What was the Donner Party's favorite meal?
- How did the lemonade lose the boxing match?
- What did the Llama say before his vacation?
- What's purple and throbbing?
- Where do you take your mildly sick pig?
- How many clowns does it take to change a light bulb?
- What's the difference between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin?
- Why does Ms. Melon have to have a big wedding?
- What's white and works overtime?
- What do you get when you combine the movies "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and "Backdraft"?
- What did the Apple employee get when he started working at Steve Inc?
- Why is it hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs?
- Who is Poison Ivy's favorite singer?
- what jokes are not funny
- What do you call a fake doctor with a sense of humor?
- What did the doctor tell the vegetarian who was in a coma?
- What do you call a shorter presidential override?
- What do you get when you throw guacamole into a volcano?
- What do you call someone who is only attracted to United Arab Emirate urbanites?
- Why won't Han Solo work on the front end of his web application?
- What do apes drink in space?
- Have you met the nerdy bird of prey?
- What do you call a bee in a sweater?
- Why did the eel wreck his car after eating his wife?
- What is Barnes and Noble's social network that nobody uses?
- What does a proctologist look into when bowels be tripping balls?
- What's red and climbs trees?
- Which president had the best professional network?
- Which terrorist organization specifically targets cats?
- How do you get down off an elephant?
- Why don't passengers like being redirected onto goods train loops?
- What Happen to the man whose left hand and left foot got cut of?
- How do you describe an Indian meatball?
- why did the hipster burn his tounge
- Whom was it first gave fraternities to mankind?
- Why's the sapling always acting up?
- Why do wizards wear gloves?
- your heads so big...
- Why don't butterflies have a president?
- Who is the president at the petting zoo?
- What is the difference between Elliot Rodger and an egg?
- Why did the Alpaca get beat up?
- Why can't ghosts tell lies?
- I know a place where theres millions of ties.
- Why was the free electron so sad?
- Why did the hamster get a ticket?
- What did the rancher's mom put on his birthday cake?
- I just ate 4 cans of alphabet soup.
- How many army men does it take to change a lightbulb?
- Why do teenage girls travel in odd numbers?
- why is 6 afraid of 7?
- How do you make a Malaysian girl wet?
- Why do ISIS stoves work so well?
- Why did the sheriff arrest the man in the paper towel hat?
- What brand of sunglasses do horses prefer?
- Why did the cannon go to the singles bar?
- Why did the entrepreneur rip the sleeves off of his blazer?
- what kind of girls like to be hit on?
- did you hear about the brain surgeon?
- how do you date something that is already dead?
- How did the apes save their marriage?
- Mellow and Sierra were two of the best hacky sackers around. They were able to keep 6 hacky sacks in the air but when they had...
- What does a church and a laser gun have in common?
- How do you know if an email is about fried beans?
- What do you call a fruit that is really rare and beautiful yet tastes bad?
- What do my best cats have in common
- Whatever you do don't
- Why did Destin's parents name him Destin?
- why don't plumbers drink a lot of water?
- Why did Jon Snow wait in line for 16 hours outside the Apple store?
- What's the pirate's favorite cartoon?
- What do you call a pirate in a laundry mat?
- What is black and white and red all over
- What is black and white and red all over
- What is black and white and red all over
- What is black and white and red all over
- What is black and white and red all over
- How do you think the unthinkable?
- What's Quentin Tarantino's worst time of day?
- Why won't the parrot participate in the jungle recycling program?
- Why did the rooster go to the salon?
- Why did the man clean up the car's poop?
- What's black and doesn't work?
- what is green and smells like a pig
- Did you hear about the peephole they found in the Cherokee Casino?
- What do Theon Greyjoy and Justin Timberlake have in common?
- How does Ygritte know that it's almost winter?
- What does Varys envy most about Petyr Baelish?
- How do you upset Prince Oberyn?
- Why did Cersei order the Starks direwolf to be executed?
- Why can't George RR Martin use twitter?
- Why is Ygritte so immature?
- What was Jaime Lannister’s favourite shows growing up?
- What is the name of the Starks’ upcoming Christmas special?
- What is the nickname of Jon Snow’s girlfriend and also a useful wintertime tool?
- What was Jon Snow’s bakery called?
- What do you call a rich Chinese man
- What do you call a christmas cat with freshly washed paws?
- What do you call a northern European with a sweet tooth?
- What do you get when you buy a glass of water?
- Why did your dad go to the hair salon?
- What did the mouse say too the rat when the mouse took a picture?
- What do you use to cut wood?
- What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?
- Where does a Men's Rights Activist get his water?
- What is the most adorable frontier?
- Who is the most modestly priced & delicious Disney princess?
- You hear about my new band "The Mattress Kings"?
- What does a lovelorn person say to a hunky letter carrier?
- Why is 6 scared of 7?
- Real one - why is 6 scared of 7
- Why did the golfer bring several pairs of pants?
- What black and white and red all over?
- Matty is weird?
- Goo goo?
- You are...?
- You are...
- You are...
- After visiting the White House Donald Trump is excited to move in.
- What did Z say to N?
- Did you hear about the new show where doctors barely touch their patients?
- What do you call it when you make a jackal have kids with a pumpkin
- Why is the password offended by capital letters?
- How much memory did the sexy robot need for its sexy sex maneuvers?
- What is black and white and red all over
- Why did Ned Stark come in a box?
- What did the orangutan call his wife
- The longest white snake, I lay coiled The shorter brown snakes travel first I'm always a touch behind. What am I?
- What do you call a bear that is in water
- what do you get when you wach a horror film
- 2 DD
- Why do elephants eat peanuts?
- What's a ghost pirates favorite drink?
- How does Jesus make his tea
- What did Master Yoda say when he saw himself in 4K?
- What's the best thing about Indoor Skydiving?
- why I hit big bally
- why don't ballerinas dance so long
- What types of candys go to school
- What types of candys go to school
- whats the worst thing?
- Why was the baseball player sad?
- Why did the store do a lot of multiplication?
- the doctor said "you have a magnesium deficiency"
- What is grey and can not fly?