@ChrisArmistead (via Twitter)
@ChrisArmistead's jokes
- How did keyboard get out of prison?
- What does a 2x4 do for fun?
- What is a ghost's favorite 1972 song by R&B/soul group The Main Ingredient?
- What kind of jacket should you wear to a forrest fire?
- What is a zombie's favorite song by the Cranberries?
- Who is the most powerful amphibian in England?
- Why is the photograph on trial?
- Why does the lion think the circus a bureaucracy?
- Why do eskimos drink so much?
- What is a meteor's favorite Full House character?
- What is earthquake's favorite keyboard key?
- What is bisexual's favorite keyboard key?
- What is dominatrix's favorite keyboard key?
@ChrisArmistead's favorite jokes
@ChrisArmistead doesn't have any favorite jokes.