@sylturner (via Twitter)
@sylturner's jokes
- Why can't you trust a computer?
- What do British sea monsters eat?
- What is Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz's favorite computer key?
- What is race car driver's favorite computer key?
- What is astronaut's favorite computer key?
- What computer key does returning astronaut always press?
- What is Olympic sprinter's favorite computer key?
- What is monster's favorite song?
- What does the alphabet bring to the basketball game?
- What does the alphabet ask all the time?
- What does the alphabet say as a greeting?
- What new wave band was in Under Siege?
- What is a computer's favorite movie?
- What do you take to Uranus?
- What is a planet's favorite electronica band?
- What is the Internet's favorite arachnid?
- What is Alanis Morissette's favorite state?
- What is a pedophile's favorite university?
- Why are merchants in World of Warcraft so greedy?
- What creature solves crimes in World of Warcraft?
- In World of Warcraft, why is The Barrens so dirty?
- In World of Warcraft, why are Taurens so bad at poker?
- In World of Warcraft, what part-time job do paladins have when they're in high school?
- What is a nazi's least favorite beverage?
- What is an amoeba's favorite gadget?
- What did Frank Oz do when Jim Henson died?
- What is owl's favorite band from the 1960s?
- What is massage therapist's favorite band?
- Why did the computer lose all its memory?
- What is an astronaut's favorite candy?
- Why did computer die?
- What is the hipster programmer's favorite thing to do in the bathroom?
- What is Usain Bolt's favorite sorting algorithm?
- What is Bubble Man from Mega Man 2's favorite sorting algorithm?
- What is Sonic the Hedgehog's favorite fast food restaurant?
- What does Santa not like talking about with Mrs. Claus?
- What's the blood sucking parasite that ruins everything?
- What does computer do at night?
- Why does whale do cocaine?
- What state has the most butts?
- What is the internet's favorite time?
- Who's the worst viking prostitute?
- Who is Thor's favorite rapper?
- What is a sofa bed's favorite birth control?
- What is a doctor's favorite computer file extension?
- Why was the pig looking for something to do?
- What does a pirate use for music?
- Which presidential candidate is a Ferengi?
- What do you call a prehistoric lemon?
- What do you call a prehistoric bruise?
- What's the loudest morning beverage?
- What's the shittiest planet?
- What is worst sausage?
- How much does a paradigm shift cost?
- What is the guy who made PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla Motor's favorite movie?
- What happens to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson when he's out of shape?
- Who is the shittiest kid doctor on TV?
- What's the shittiest video game?
- What is Barnes and Noble's social network that nobody uses?
@sylturner's favorite jokes
@sylturner's forked jokes
- bra bra bra bra bra, eh, bra?
- What is keyboard's favorite soda?
- Did you hear the one about the cow jumping over the barb wire fence?
- What's a monkey's favorite movie?
- What do you call a man with no arms or legs in a pile of leaves?
- What President has the best gay porn name?
- Why are the Angry Birds so angry?
- Why did Iron Man cry?
- What is a computer's favorite movie?
- What does a pirate use for music?
- What do you eat in a court of law?
- What is owl's favorite song?
- What did the camel eat for breakfast?
- Have you heard the new jokes about Coca-Cola?
- If two wrongs don't make a write then what do two rights make?
- Jimmy, you were a big man, you had the girls, you were the best
- What did the librarian do at five'o'clock?
- What did the internet monster do in the bathroom?
- Why didn't the woman like her waiter?
- What happens to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson when he's out of shape?
- Did you hear about the new Tampax movie?